Rainbow Fairies at Houghton Hall Park


The Rainbow Fairies from Tiny T's Theatre are visiting Houghton Hall Park's formal and kitchen gardens this May to spread magic, joy and colour!

The Rainbow Fairy Show

£2 per child



This is a 30 minute interactive show with singing, dancing, potion making and spells, to show each young fairy and elf that they too can be invited to Rainbow Fairy Academy and learn magic, just like Fairy Tara did! With the support of friends, Fairy Tara learns fairy skills such as flying, staying calm, potion making and helps prepare for the Rainbow Disco, where Moonbeam the Unicorn makes an appearance!

FREE Moonbeam the Unicorn Meet & Greet
12.30pm to 1pm

2.15pm tp 2.45pm

Meet Moonbeam the Unicorn in his stable in the Kitchen Garden!

Children must be accompanied by an adult, no refunds unless we cancel the event.

Must be booked in advance.
